We are seeking two more people to join our Luxton CC Soccer Committee. As you may have heard, Jill and Amanda are stepping down from their LCC Soccer Board Roles, but would be happy to assist a team of people to run the soccer program this year.
We already have 1 committed volunteer…we need at least 2 more!!
This team will coordinate and facilitate the soccer league this year. Here’s a bit of the commitment:
- Communications – this role requires someone to write and send emails to the soccer community and create posts for the Instagram and FB page. This includes putting together information emails for parents and guardians, send reminders when necessary and reach out to individuals as needed. Monitoring the email and social media accounts weekly is essential.
- Oversee registration – Monitor and organize online registrations through the Square Platform and provide 1 in person registration opportunity at the community centre – usually in April. This role uses a master spreadsheet to collect all registrations that will be used to make teams and assign coaches.
- Create Teams – Once registration is done, the art of making teams begins. This job is a bit of a craft because many children request to be on teams with friends, or specific coaches. We do our very best to accommodate.
- Taking care of coaches – this role will work on coach recruitment and communication with coaching volunteers, providing them with the resources they need.
- Everything else
- Create posters and handouts to be distributed in LCC catchment schools
- contacting and arranging field line painting
- Soccer Jerseys – through Tim Hortons and other sources when Tim Hortons can’t provide enough
- Wind-Up Party Planning
- Coach Appreciation
- and more!
As you can see, there’s lots to do, but a team can easily pull this off together. Many of the roles above can be combined so if you are wanting to join the Soccer Committee and see something that interests you, please reach out to us! We would like to begin planning early February!
Please email luxton.minisoccer@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the team or with any questions.
Thank you!